thermometer Mt60

SKU: K00002273
Digital Thermometer 60 seconds for the whole family. Reliable. Measurement accuracy + -0,1 oC / + - 0,2 oC. Raincoat.
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The high temperature is a reaction of the body during an illness. The body increases its temperature to assist its defenses against the disease.

The fluctuations in body temperature can also be caused by other reasons than those associated with infections. Accurate temperature measurement is of great medical importance. It allows to detect diseases at an early stage, because monitor progress of temperature after treatment. The Microlife Thermometers are quality art products manufactured in accordance with international standards.

Maximum precision and reliability of the temperature measurement is achieved through the use of microcomputers. Organs eketeloun self whenever switched on to always guarantee the accuracy of the measurements. The hypoallergenic way to measure The hypoallergenic microlife thermometers have gilt edge and is ideal for those who are sensitive to nickel, a metal used in the manufacture of ordinary thermometers. The hypoallergenic microlife thermometers are suitable for adults, children and babies.