pomegranate 20s

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SKU: K00048462
Food supplement with pomegranate extract and vitamin C in effervescent form.
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The pomegranate is synonymous with good fortune, fertility and abundance of goods. Indeed, the fruit is there ... plenty of beneficial properties that benefit our organization.

Drink it in ... your heart health.

The pomegranate is rich in vitamins (A, C, E, folic acid), iron, potassium and fiber, and on and antioxidants. Another precious gift of nature that Power Health leverages the best offering you the Pomegranate of Power Foods series. A high-quality natural food supplement with pomegranate extract and vitamin C and great taste that comes to make your everyday life ... pink:

It has strong antioxidant activity.

It contributes to the proper functioning of the heart.

Protects vessels.