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SKU: K00008507
It is a revolutionary approach for improving peripheral circulation. 60tabs.
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It is believed that there are over 10 million people in the UK who suffer from cold extremities (even in the summer months). The impact of this phenomenon is more common in women 9 times. So a natural approach to improve peripheral circulation is a welcome addition to the therapeutic options.

The VeinTain is a revolutionary approach for improving peripheral circulatory acting in two main mechanisms:

1) The vasodilator challenge. The Ginkgo biloba helps to improve peripheral circulation by causing blood vessel vasodilation. The VeinTain of Lamberts is highly active product that provides proper ginkgo content and the correct ratio of the active ingredients. Two capsules provide 6000mg (as 120mg extract) from ginkgo which researches confirm as an effective dose.

2) The thermogenic effect. The two spices, ginger and cinnamon, are believed to increase thermogenesis thus stimulate body functions as circulation and blood flow in the body. The Veintain containing both spices in extract form to ensure the presence of the active ingredients. To further preserve the active ingredients of ginger and cinnamon, we chose to produce the VeinTain in capsule form. 
