Regular exercise is a key element in both the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. But beyond the confines of the particular condition, physical exercise contributes in many ways to improve health in general. According to statistics people who exercise have lower rates of heart disease, less likely to experience depression and better skeletal health. Physical fitness and body strength is improved, mental health is better while the skeleton and muscular system adapted to the increased demands and respond more easily to the needs of everyday life.


There are many different systems and exercise programs that are intended to serve this purpose. The first and so immediate question arises as to which or which ones are most appropriate for each person individually. The first answer must be speculative. The best type of exercise for someone is what ensures largely two parameters, safety and efficacy. The training should not strain but also must serve to claim the objective for which it is.

Exercises to strength training include free weights (dumbbells), various machines and straps. There are many species and require lifting or weight pull or just the pressure of a surface. Good to be supervised and increased attention to technique and their design should cover all the main muscle groups Their usefulness is great to increase muscle mass and strength as well as to improve the density and bone strength. Perhaps the most effective practice to prevent osteoporosis but most dangerous when not properly people already suffering from this.