Arkocaps Guarana 45 Caps

SKU: K00013209
Epitachynei the "burning" of fat, increases the basic metabolism of cells and promotes the elimination of accumulated fat ingredients.

This shrub from the Amazon, used for many years by the Indians Guaranis Uruguay and Paraguay for stimulant and tonic properties.

The seeds of imported drinks in composition with tonic properties, whose consumption facilitates the performance of hard work. These properties are based on the fact that the seeds of the caffeine is high, of the order of 3 to 5%! Far ahead of coffee and tea, Guarana, according to what we know so far, is the plant with the highest content of caffeine. This caffeine accelerates the "burning" of fats, increases the basic metabolism of cells and promotes the removal of accumulated fat ingredients. On the other hand stimulates the release of catecholamines, particularly adrenalin, which allows the body to "burn" faster these fats. In addition, the stimulant properties of particular interest in combating physical and mental decline followed very often diets. By causing a general stimulation of the body, the Guarana restores vitality and wellbeing, sharpens the spirit, without affecting the normal rhythm of the heart.