Arriani Arkocaps Acerola

SKU: K00059655
Vegetable capsules antioxidant, stimulating the body's defense.
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The acerola is the fruit of a small shrub that grows in dry forests of South and Central America and Jamaica. This small fruit with brick color which highly resembles cherry, also known as "cherry Barbados' name. 

The natural vitamin C 

The acerola containing minerals, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins A, B6 and especially vitamin C. The acerola is 100 times richer in vitamin C than orange (a cherry acerola 4.5 g. Containing the same vitamin C with 450 grams of oranges!). 

Compared with the crystalline ascorbic acid is manufactured, vitamin C vitamin P, bioflavonoid with related properties, supplementary to those of vitamin C that enhances vitaminic activity. combined - in the acerola - with 

The beneficial properties of acerola is same as those of Vitamin C: the acerola is an excellent tonic. It stimulates the body's defenses, and is ideal for the treatment of transient fatigue or prevent winter infections like the flu or ENT infections (rhinitis, otitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis ...). 

Vitamin C also promotes iron absorption from the intestine, and therefore, has anti-anemic action. The combination of vitamin C and spirulina containing a large amount of iron is very effective because it favors a better absorption of iron containing alga. It is finally an excellent dietary supplement in diets low in fruits and vegetables and also recommended smokers who are in great need of vitamin C.