Arkocaps Mate 60 Caps

SKU: K00013208
The presence of theophylline and caffeine in leaf Maté, stimulates the heart muscle and central nervous system, relaxing the smooth muscles, especially those of the bronchi and acts favorably on the peripheral blood circulation, which could explain the traditional application of against headaches.

The Maté is a tree that grows in Paraguay, Uruguay, southern Brazil and north-eastern Argentina. This herb is used to prepare a beverage used since ancient times by the Guarana Indians of Paraguay. Today, it is the national drink of many countries of Latin America, especially Argentina.

The virtues of Maté certified by numerous medical and scientific studies. The medical use of Maté to combat mental and physical fatigue is unanimously accepted.

The presence of theophylline and caffeine in leaf Maté, stimulates the heart muscle and central nervous system, relaxing the smooth muscles, especially those of the bronchi and acts favorably on the peripheral blood circulation, which could explain the traditional application of against headaches. According to the British and the French pharmacopoeia Maté is an important aid in weight loss program. The results of clinical studies in obese, indicating that consumption Maté slow the passage of food to the stomach, which increases the duration of satiety and promotes weight loss. The Maté also promotes fat burning thanks to the presence of saponiton which stimulate thermogenesis (calorie burning). Finally, Maté contains antioxidants that prevent the attack of free radicals on cell membranes.